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ECG数据库通常由于正常的心电图和异常病例的稀缺性而高度不平衡。因此,经过不平衡数据集培训的深度学习分类器通常表现不佳,尤其是在次要课程上。一种解决方案是使用生成对抗网络(GAN)生成逼真的合成ECG信号,以增强数据集的不平衡数据集。在这项研究中,我们首次将条件GAN与WGAN-GAN结合在一起,并以1D形式开发了AC-WGAN-GP,以应用于MIT-BIH心律失常数据集。我们研究了数据增强对心律失常分类的影响。我们采用了两个模型进行心电图生成:(i)无条件的gan; Wasserstein gan具有梯度罚款(WGAN-GP)在每个班级上都受过训练; (ii)有条件的gan;一个辅助分类器WGAN-GP(AC-WGAN-GP)模型均在所有类别上训练,然后用于在所有类别中生成合成节拍。每种情况下定义了两种情况:(a)未经检查;使用了所有生成的合成节拍,并且(b)筛选;基于其动态时间翘曲(DTW)到指定模板,仅选择并使用了一部分生成的节拍。在每个增强数据集和性能指标(精确/召回/F1得分微型和宏观水平,混淆矩阵,多层级别的Precision-Recall Precall curves)中,对最先进的重新NET分类器(ECGRESNET34)进行了培训(precision/Recemision/Recker/F1得分微观和宏观分数)。与未表现不平衡案件的案件相比。我们还使用了简单的度量净改进。这三个指标始终显示出净改进(总和次级和次级),无条件的GAN具有原始生成的数据(未筛选)可创造最佳改进。
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由于异常情况的稀缺性,心电图(ECG)数据集往往受到高度不平衡的。此外,由于隐私问题,使用真正的患者的心电图是高度监管的。因此,总是需要更多的ECG数据,特别是对于自动诊断机器学习模型的培训,这在培训在平衡数据集时更好地执行。我们研究了从生成的对抗网络(GAN)家庭的5种不同模型的合成ECG生成能力,并比较了它们的表演,焦点仅在正常的心脏周期上。动态时间翘曲(DTW),FR \'echet和欧几里德距离功能用于定量测量性能。提出并应用了评估生成节拍的五种不同方法。我们还提出了3个新概念(阈值,接受的节拍和生产率),并将其与上述方法一起作为一种系统的方式,以便在模型之间进行比较。结果表明,所有测试模型都可以在一定程度上成功地产生具有高相似性的可接受的心跳,在形态特征中具有高相似性,并且可能所有这些都可以使用它们来增强不平衡的数据集。然而,产生的节拍的目视检查有利于Bilstm-DC Gan和Wan,因为它们产生统计上更可接受的节拍。此外,关于生产率,经典GaN优越,生产率72%。
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With Twitter's growth and popularity, a huge number of views are shared by users on various topics, making this platform a valuable information source on various political, social, and economic issues. This paper investigates English tweets on the Russia-Ukraine war to analyze trends reflecting users' opinions and sentiments regarding the conflict. The tweets' positive and negative sentiments are analyzed using a BERT-based model, and the time series associated with the frequency of positive and negative tweets for various countries is calculated. Then, we propose a method based on the neighborhood average for modeling and clustering the time series of countries. The clustering results provide valuable insight into public opinion regarding this conflict. Among other things, we can mention the similar thoughts of users from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and most Western European countries versus the shared views of Eastern European, Scandinavian, Asian, and South American nations toward the conflict.
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Recently, many attempts have been made to construct a transformer base U-shaped architecture, and new methods have been proposed that outperformed CNN-based rivals. However, serious problems such as blockiness and cropped edges in predicted masks remain because of transformers' patch partitioning operations. In this work, we propose a new U-shaped architecture for medical image segmentation with the help of the newly introduced focal modulation mechanism. The proposed architecture has asymmetric depths for the encoder and decoder. Due to the ability of the focal module to aggregate local and global features, our model could simultaneously benefit the wide receptive field of transformers and local viewing of CNNs. This helps the proposed method balance the local and global feature usage to outperform one of the most powerful transformer-based U-shaped models called Swin-UNet. We achieved a 1.68% higher DICE score and a 0.89 better HD metric on the Synapse dataset. Also, with extremely limited data, we had a 4.25% higher DICE score on the NeoPolyp dataset. Our implementations are available at: https://github.com/givkashi/Focal-UNet
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The COVID-19 pandemic has caused drastic alternations in human life in all aspects. The government's laws in this regard affected the lifestyle of all people. Due to this fact studying the sentiment of individuals is essential to be aware of the future impacts of the coming pandemics. To contribute to this aim, we proposed an NLP (Natural Language Processing) model to analyze open-text answers in a survey in Persian and detect positive and negative feelings of the people in Iran. In this study, a distilBert transformer model was applied to take on this task. We deployed three approaches to perform the comparison, and our best model could gain accuracy: 0.824, Precision: 0.824, Recall: 0.798, and F1 score: 0.804.
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The recent breakthroughs in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) have enabled many new capabilities across plenty of application domains. While most existing machine learning models require large memory and computing power, efforts have been made to deploy some models on resource-constrained devices as well. There are several systems that perform inference on the device, while direct training on the device still remains a challenge. On-device training, however, is attracting more and more interest because: (1) it enables training models on local data without needing to share data over the cloud, thus enabling privacy preserving computation by design; (2) models can be refined on devices to provide personalized services and cope with model drift in order to adapt to the changes of the real-world environment; and (3) it enables the deployment of models in remote, hardly accessible locations or places without stable internet connectivity. We summarize and analyze the-state-of-art systems research to provide the first survey of on-device training from a systems perspective.
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翻译质量估计(QE)是预测机器翻译(MT)输出质量的任务,而无需任何参考。作为MT实际应用中的重要组成部分,这项任务已越来越受到关注。在本文中,我们首先提出了XLMRScore,这是一种基于使用XLM-Roberta(XLMR)模型计算的BertScore的简单无监督的QE方法,同时讨论了使用此方法发生的问题。接下来,我们建议两种减轻问题的方法:用未知令牌和预训练模型的跨语性对准替换未翻译的单词,以表示彼此之间的一致性单词。我们在WMT21 QE共享任务的四个低资源语言对上评估了所提出的方法,以及本文介绍的新的英语FARSI测试数据集。实验表明,我们的方法可以在两个零射击方案的监督基线中获得可比的结果,即皮尔森相关性的差异少于0.01,同时在所有低资源语言对中的平均低资源语言对中的无人看管竞争对手的平均水平超过8%的平均水平超过8%。 。
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